One-time boiler adjustment = Long-term energy savings
“One-off” intervention from the UK: Help people change boiler settings to save money and reduce carbon emissions.
“One-off” intervention from the UK: Help people change boiler settings to save money and reduce carbon emissions.
What unsustainable behavior needs to change:
The average UK gas boiler emits more CO2-equivalent emissions in a year than taking seven transatlantic flights. That’s why we investigated how to make it easier for households to increase the efficiency of their boilers.
In 2005, the UK mandated the use of condensing boilers, which are more efficient as they capture and reuse energy. However, for these savings to materialise, the boiler settings must be correct – regrettably, most were found to be inefficiently set. Additionally, many homeowners were unaware that adjusting boiler settings could lead to cost savings. Thus, informing the public became essential, alongside overcoming behavioural barriers.
The intervention focused on a crucial „one-off“ action, eliminating the need for continuous effort from homeowners and recognizing the challenges associated with maintaining repetitive actions.
The Green Nudge:
The Nesta team applied the Behavioural Insights Team’s EAST framework to the problem:
The result: In early October 2022, 21% of respondents reported to have previously lowered their boiler flow temperature. By March 2023, this figure increased to 32% after the survey was re-conducted. It is estimated that approximately 3.1 million households adjusted their boiler flow temperatures during the campaign. This adjustment resulted in an estimated reduction of 500,000 tonnes of CO2 and nearly saved households £300 million. Additionally, it saved HM Treasury approximately £157 million by reducing expenditure on the Energy Price Guarantee.
These figures reflect carbon and cash savings over the past year alone. It is believed that the continued impact of this initiative could save several billion pounds over the next 5-10 years, depending on gas prices and the number of consumers who maintain their adjusted boiler settings.
Are you aware of any other nudges that help to save energy? Feel free to get in touch:
From Katy King and Oli Berry at Nesta, a UK-based innovation agency for social good. The agency designs, tests, and scales new solutions to society’s biggest challenges, improving millions of lives.
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